Monday, April 29, 2013

Current Events

Read the article "Trouble in North Korea" by clicking  here. Summarize what you read in 8-10 sentences.

Some things you may want to include in your summary...
  • Who is the leader of North Korea right now?
  • What is the United States and other countries saying about North Korea?
  • How did North Korea get where it is today?
  • How is North Korea's relationship with South Korea?
  • Is there anything going on with nuclear weapons?

Complete your post here as a comment. It is due no later than Friday at 5pm.


  1. Kim Jong Un son of Kim Jong Un II lead North Korea right now. Korea has many nuclear weapons that they threaten the United states and south Korea with. They have one of the worlds largest armies which makes me feel unsafe really. North Korea and South Korea used to be unite but they split up with each other because some conflicts. North Korea decided to invade South Korea. North Korea ans South Korea have this feud going on between them. This "feud" has not just effected South Korea but it has a effected United states because they have threaten us too.

  2. North Korea has been testing nuclear weaponry and it is making other countries prepare for a possible World War 3. Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Um and his father Kim Jong II show their power by making bigger and more dangerous weapons. This is bad because they could easily fire one of those weapons at South Korea or The United States. What is even more frightening is that North Korea has one of the biggest armies in the world. South Korea is making attempts to form a better relationship with North Korea. This probably wont happen because North Korea despises South Korea. North Korea has been warning foreigners to leave South Korea. This leads me to believe they might be preparing for war. There is a glimmer of hope now that North Korea is running out of food because they might be too weak to fight and they will give up.

  3. North Korea is located on a peninsula with South Korea, though for the past years they have been two countries instead of one. North Korea has one of the world’s largest army’s, with access to destructive and nuclear weapons. And is lead by there ruler Kim Jong Un. In the past month, they told all foreigners to go home, for their own safety. Many countries said that “no place or country should be allowed to throw the whole region or even the whole world into chaos for selfish gain”. North Korea has many economic problems. In the past years South Korea tried to improve relations with North Korea by giving them aid. Though North Korea wouldn’t let there guard down and kept building there army. So South Korea stopped sending them aid.

  4. North Korea and South Korea share many things, but for more than 60 years they have been in conflict and not getting along very well. There leader Kim Jong Un, and his father Kim Jong Un II have lead North Korea since 1994. They have been putting out military threats to let others know they have power and control. Because of North Koreas leaders they have the worlds largest armies and many dangerous nuclear weapons. Many countries from all over the world have been speaking up against North Korea. For example, China had said ''No place or country should be allowed to throw the whole region or even whole world into chaos for selfish again''. North Korea had also caused many trouble with South Korea. After Japan was defeated the Koreas split into two seperate countries. North Korea wanted to overtake and so they decided to invade South Korea in the 1950s. Millions of families seperated and that is how North Korea got to where it is today.

  5. North Korea and South Korea have not been getting along for quite a while now. They may share a peninsula, and were once one country, but now they have split apart and are separated by the DMZ (demilitarizing zone) with soldiers patrolling each side. North and South Korea have signed a cease-fire agreement. North Korea is a communist country , and is led by Kim Jung Un. It is a threat to many countries, and other nations now. Kim Jung Un has used military threats to show his power, and it is known that North Korea's very large army has access to nuclear weapons. An underground nuclear test was conducted in North Korea in February. South Korea has been doing very good in industry, while North Korea has multiple economic problems, and now the U.S. and South Korea have stopped giving North Korea food aid.

  6. Michaela Rain J.May 2, 2013 at 8:58 PM

    North Korea has one of the world's largest armies, and unfortunately, they have access to nuclear weapons. Both Kim Jong II (former leader of North Korea), and Kim Jong Un, (Current leader of North Korea), have made threats to show that they have power and control. It truly disturbs me in more ways than you think. In 1948, North and South Korea became two different places. North Korea one country and South Korea another. In 1950, North Korea's army invaded South Korea. The effect of this was the Korean War. China’s President, Xi Jinping stated, "No country should be allowed to throw a region and even the whole world into chaos for selfish gain." South Korea tried to repair the broken relationship between itself and North Korea by giving aid. Because North Korea has continued to enlarge their military and knowledge of nuclear weapons, The United States of America and South Korea have have stopped all food aid.

  7. The leader of north Korea ( Kim Jong Un his father was Kim Jong ll ) might be planning to bomb the Us ! North Korea has one of the largest armies in the world. North Korea is a communist country. North Korea started the Korean war with south Korea. South Korea and the US have stopped food aid to North Korea. North Korea also has access to nuclear weapons. There are warnings to visitors to leave South Korea. Hopefully North Korea will come to their senses.

  8. North Korea is has been has been having troubled relationships with the U.S.A and South Korea. Kim Jong Un is the leader of North Korea right now and his father Kim Jong II led the country from 1994 to 2011. North Korea and South Korea have had 60 years of conflict has separated the peninsula into separate countries. On June 25, 1950 the North Korea military invaded South Korea, starting the Korean War. The split of Korea was made official in 1948. North Korea became a communist’s government. South Korea became a republic. South Korea has become an industrial giant wile as North Korea has been having many economic problems.

  9. The current leader of north korea is kim Jong un. America and other countries are considering north korea as a rising threat. It is a possibility that north korea could have nuclear weapons.
    North korea got where it is today because of aid from other countries such as america and south korea. North korea’s relationship with south korea is very tense. The dmz could become a battle zone at anytime. We have reason to believe that north korea is harboring nuclear weapons. This is thanks to a record of a nuclear testing lab below a local park.

  10. I very much understand what the conflict is like between north Korea with the U.S.A. The Koreans leader Kim Kong Un is making all the plans of bombing the U.S.A and attacking with nuclear weapons! Kim Kong Un is like father like son with threats to all the people and that probably makes so many people frihtend to move away and evacuate because don't forget north Korea has one of the strongest armies in the world. Between about 60 years back to now north Korea and south Korea have had a problem of conflict with each other so divided a while ago and made sure the border was clear. This will hopefully stop with no problems and no one gets hurt.

  11. The leaders in North Korea used military threats to display their power and control. They can use those kinds of threats because they have access to nuclear weapons. The officials of North Korea told the foreigners to leave because of the threats. North and South Korea are in a conflict because after the Korean war, they separated and then they wanted to reunite as one Korea again, but they were fighting over which government would end up ruling the country. One day, in 1950, North Korea’s military invaded South Korea. This started the Korean War. In conclusion of the war, people had to put a demilitarized zone between the two places, where soldiers patrolled each side. South Korea ended up with an amazing industry, but North Korea had economic problems. South Korea tried to make things right with North Korea, but they did not want to be civil so they kept expanding their nuclear weapons program, so South Korea and the United States of America stopped giving food to North Korea. When a new president was elected in South Korea, she thought that North Korea’s nuclear program was a challenge to the survival of people in Korea in the future.


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