Sunday, September 30, 2012

For the Purpose of Persuading...

Flashing back to last week, we discussed Anna Quindlen’s “Melting Pot.” We talked a lot about prejudice and cultural differences. I raised the question, “What is more important, our similarities or our differences?” This is the question I want you to think about for this week’s blog post!

But first, consider this:
It seems that much of what we do in life has a purpose. Think about it! You go to school to learn, you brush your teeth to prevent cavities, and you eat to fulfill hunger…  Well authors also WRITE with a purpose too!
In fact, you have a PURPOSE for writing this week’s blogpost; and the purpose isn’t just to get your homework assignment done!  (HA) Your purpose for writing this blogpost is to PERSUADE your audience.

With a blog post of at least 8 sentences or more, I want you to PERSUADE or convince readers that our similarities are more important than our differences OR our differences are more important than our similarities (whichever you choose to argue).
Support your argument. Why do YOU think similarities more important? Or why do YOU think differences are more important? Why should readers agree with YOU? Give an example or two. Write so that others will understand your point of view and be persuaded by it! 

Your post is due no later than Friday, October 5th at 5pm!


  1. I chose to talk about how our differences are more important than our similarities. I think this, because our differences are what make us our own beings. What if everyone talked the same, dressed the same, even looked the same. I know I wouldn’t be able to live like that! That is why it is good to have differences. If we are different than each other, then we get to talk to new and interesting people. I know some people aren’t the best people in the world, but that opinion could be different than others, and that is what makes you, you! This is why I chose to talk about how our differences are more important than our similarities.

  2. I think that our differences are more important than our similarities. I think this because if everyone were the same the world would be a pretty boring place. If everyone liked and did the same things it would get a little boring. Don’t you think? I think our differences are important because I know that I don’t like all of my friends to be the same then I might get tired of them. For instance I have some short friends, some tall friends, and I have friends that are funny, friends that can be serious and help me when I need it. We need different people in the world because not everyone likes football , not everyone likes soccer or swimming , but if we didn’t have different people we wouldn’t have an Olympics. We can’t have an Olympics with just one sport that would be boring too! That’s why everything, everyone, every object is DIFFERENT. Because our difference are what makes you ,you ,what makes a flower a flower, what makes someone special and that’s important in this world, Everyone is unique and special in their own way and that is all because of our differences.

  3. I think that differences are more important than similarities. I think this because if everyone was exactly the same, the world would be a pretty boring place. Differences are what make people unique. And sometimes that's a good thing. If people didn't have any similarities with each other, there would be nothing to talk about. Not dance, not sports and not even music. That is why I think differences are more important than similarities.

  4. I choose differences because if every person you meet was exactly the same life would be boring. If everyone was short and portly, likes everything everyone else likes, has the same job as the rest of the world does, acts the same, ect. It would just be way too boring. If you think of it like rock,paper,scissors if everyone was the same it would always be rock and rock, paper and paper, or scissors and scissors. If people were different sometimes you'd win sometimes you lose, that's the fun of the game. If your best friend was an exact replica of you would you want to hang out with them? I say no because eventually that would get boring. If you had differences, it would be fun to do things you like and things they like. That is why I prefer differences over similarities.

  5. I think our differences are more important than our similarities because that is one way of communicating with other people that you don’t know at all. Being different is part of what makes you, well you! If everyone was the same it would be very boring. Similarities can be good at most times for communicating with people you already know. What if every single one of us was really small & portly? We would all look the same. Plus difference is what also makes us unique in our own special ways. Those were the reasons why our differences are much more important than our similarities.

  6. I think that similarities are more important than differences for many reasons. One reason is beacause if people have differences, others might judge them for it. For instance, if one person was Italian and another was Irish, The Italian might judge the Irish person beacsuse of their different traditions. I think similariteis are also important because if people didn't have things in common, people wouldn't be able to do things together because they wouldn't enjoy doing the same things. People would not talk to anyone because they are different. I can admit that it would get pretty boring if we were all the same but in the end, we need similarities to get along with eachother. People would also constantly be fighting. Teachers wouldn't even be able to teach their classes. All in all, I believe it is more important to have similarities than differences.

  7. I think our differences are more important than our similarities. With out our differences life would be SUPER boring! If we were all the same we would where the same clothes, eat the same food, have the same job, and like the same sports. Without our difference everything, and everyone would be really boring, and dull. You would never try anything new, or explore new things. If we were all the same there would be no one different there to push us to do, and try new things. Our differences are what makes us fun, and unique. Your differences are what make you, you. I definitely prefer our differences over our similarities, don't you?

  8. I believe that our similarities are more important than our differences when it comes to war. Differences sometimes divide us. Many wars happen because of the different beliefs people have. Like different beliefs in religion or different views in politics. Similarities often unite us. When different countries come together to help people in need. This summer many countries put away there differences to compete in the olympics. Maybe if people would take time to recognize our similarities over our differences the world would be a better place.

  9. I believe that our differences are more important because if everybody was the same, Life would be boring. It would be like stopping time, NOTHING would happen. Everybody would be each other! People like to hang out with people that are different than themselves. I don't think I, Or anyone would want to hang out with themselves. Otto said "Differences sometimes divide us." But sometimes, They bring us together. That is why I think differences are more important.

  10. I think that our differences are more important because without differences we would all be the same person without our own style and personality. Plus you would run out of things to talk about because you already know everything about the other person. Why would people want to live in a world without variety?

  11. I think our similarities are more important. I think this because our differences can create problems with others and nobody wants that to happen even though its true. Every one likes or has some thing different than every body else. But showing up to the same ting could be good rather a game, church or at a restarunt to show what you like. But that dosen't always have to happen because not every thing happens at the same time. Honastly this is a tough question because each one is arguable. I think similarities is just a little less arguable

  12. Would you ever want a friend that was the exact same as you?I know I wouldnt so I chose to write about our differences.I think our differences are way more important than our similarities because if we were all the same the world would be so boring.Our differences make us who we are.That is very important to remember.If I had someone who looked like me,walked like me,and talked like me I would get very annoyed.I think most people would also.In conclusion I think our differences are more important than our similarities because our differences make us who we are.

  13. My friend and I met at soccer practice because we are on the same team. We realized that we both had things in common, such as loving to play soccer. So we connected around that and now are good friends. But, do you ever feel like the world would be boring if everyone was excatly that same? Thats why I think that similarities and differences are both equally important in life. if everyone ate, dressed, talked, and liked the same things the world would be really dull and boring. But you want to like the same things as your friends so you dont have to argue over which games you want to play or what movie you want to watch. I know I wouldnt want to hangout with someone that was just like me because that would be like hanging out with my self! I think that this question could have many different sides and ideas. But overall you need them both to have a good life.


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