Monday, March 4, 2013

Successful in 7th Grade

What advice would you give to a sixth grader in order to help them be successful in seventh grade?

Give at least three pieces of advice!

Your post should be at least 8 sentences. It is due no later than Friday by 5pm!


  1. I would give the sixth graders advise on 7th grade because it gets harder as you move up grades. First, I would tell them to do their homework. You should do your homework because it counts as part of your grade and it helps you learn more. Second,you should pay attention in class. You should pay attention in class because then you would know what to do in class. Lastly, listen to your teacher and don’t talk back. You should listen to your teacher and don’t talk back because if you listen to your teacher you wont get in trouble also if you talk back you will get in trouble. Clearly, I would give advise to 6th graders so they will be successful.

  2. Some advice I would give a sixth grader, is to always be organized. Organization is a big part of 7th Grade, because you don’t have the same schedule as everyone in your homeroom and you can’t ask them what you need. Also, you have to make sure you pay attention in class. If you don’t pay attention, you will never know what’s going on, because time flies quickly and once you learn something it always pays off to remember. Never forget to write down your homework. If you don’t write it down, you will probably end up forgetting to do part of your homework, and homework is a big part of your grade. Always make sure you follow the classroom rules because if you misbehave it could affect your report card greatly. This is some advice I would give the 6th graders.

  3. There are several pieces of advice I would give to a sixth grader to be successful in seventh grade. One piece of advice would be to pay attention in class. Most teachers say what will be on your upcoming quiz or test! Second, do all of your work. This includes classwork and homework. If you don't do it, it affects your grade. Next, always listen to directions! If you listen to what you are suppossed to do, you won't potentially mess up on something and have to start over again. You would be doing work that didn't count! In addition, pass in your work on time. You might work very hard on a project or whatever it is that you are working on then turn it in late. You will only be rewarded with SOME points when you deserved full points. Clearly, there are several pieces of advise that I would give a sixth grader to be successful in seventh grade.

  4. Some advice I would give to a sixth grader is first, ALWAYS be confident. Don't let anyone tell you, you can't something. Next, be nice to everyone but don't let people walk all over you, and don't try to be better than anyone else. People don't like that. Also, try to be organized and listen to your teachers. Organization is a must. It will help you in the long run. Lastly, missing a day of school means missing an assignment. That means you have to make it up. Clearly, being a 7th grader isn't easy. This isn't the year to slack off, this is the year to be successful.

  5. The 7th grade is a lot different then the 6th grade, the work is harder, the teachers are more strict, and most of all you get a lot more homework. Some advice I'd give to a 6th grader is to ALWAYS do ALL your homework because homework is a big part of your grade. In the 7th grade you should also ALWAYS study for your tests and pay attention in class because the teachers will say EVERY answer to EVERY question on a test or quiz. Tests and quizzes are also about 50% of your grade per term. My last bit of advice is that if your teacher makes you write a weekly blog post, DO IT. Blog posts count as homework and there is one almost every week in the school year. If you do not write your blog post, that is one zero for homework every week. Even though the work is hard and the teachers can be strict, my overall experience in 7th grade so far has been awesome.

  6. I would give the sixth graders that are going into seventh grade advice because seventh grade is defintely harder than you think. First, I would tell them to come to school and come on time. You dont want to be late everyday because then you get a detention, and that is not a good way to start off the year. Then, I would inform them to do their homework. Doing your homework is important because to pass your classes you need to pass in your homework. Lastly, I would tell the new sixth graders to respect yourself, others,and the teachers. You always need to be respectful to be a successful student and classmate in middle school.

  7. When I was in 6th grade I wish someone would of gave me some good advice,so I’m glad to help other 6th graders before they head to 7th grade. First, thing you guys should know is to STUDY!!! the more you study the better grades you get and then you won’t have to work at McDonalds. Secondly,always do your homework...ALWAYS! no matter how tired you are,trust me if you don’t do your homework you will just have to do it later in the year,so if you do it when you're supposed to it will help you in the long run. Last but not least,pay attention in class I know sometimes that’s hard because there is always that one cute girl/boy that you just can’t stop looking at but look at them at lunch ok because if you're too busy looking at he/she when your teacher is pretty much giving you all the answers to a test and you don’t pay attention you are going to fail the test. No worse you are going to bomb the test and that will bring your grade down and then you will be working at McDonalds for a living. So follow these simple steps and you will be a awesome student. Just remember, all this hard work is helping you prepare for 7th grade. Clearly, the more you do now the better you will do in 7th grade.

  8. There is so much a sixth grader needs to know to be successful in seventh grade, and there is tons of advice that I could give them. Firstly, I would tell them to make sure they always come to class prepared. If you come to class missing your homework and your pencil, you won't get very good grades, and you will not be able to learn and participate. Also, I would tell them to pay attention in class. It is important to pay attention in class because that is how you learn, and if you don't pay attention in class you will not learn anything, and you will get in trouble. Furthermore, in seventh grade you should always try your hardest. If you come to school and don't really try, you definitely will not get good grades. Clearly, there is so much advice for sixth graders to hear before they enter seventh grade.

  9. If I could give the future seventh grade advice I have three good pieces of advice for them. First, you should try your best to pay attention in class. You should be ready to take notes because at any time your teacher could say something that is important and may be on a test. Second, make sure to get every homework assignments in, homework is a huge chunk of your grade missing three homework papers could mean the difference between a 65 and failing. This is also a good reason to pay attention in class or your gonna get in some sirius situation that could mean bad news for your grades. Third, is that you should take class seriously because if your that kid in the back talking with all his friends man your gonna have a tough year. These pieces of advice will help steer you on the right track for next year.

  10. For seventh I would give sixth graders an abundance amount of advice. First, I would give advice about listening really closely to everything the teachers say because they give out hints to most of the questions on a test or quiz coming up. If you choose the option not to listen then you won’t do as well as you should do on the quizzes and tests. Secondly, this is one of the big ones; pay attention in class if you don’t pay attention in class then you won’t know anything. If you do listen then you will do extremely well in your classes. Lastly, do your homework you need to do your homework, if you don’t do your homework your grade will drop to the amount where it is hard to bring it back up. If you don’t do it once or twice then that’s fine but if you forget all the time it won’t be a good term. Clearly, there is a huge amount of advice to give to the sixth graders about having a good school year in seventh grade.

  11. I would tell them to get ready for homework every day . You should also study for test. In 7th grade if you don't study for test you probably do poor on the test . You should always ask the teacher for help in school. If you don't have time to ask the teachers for help in school you can stay after for help. It can also help you study too. If you ever have time after class before your next one you should ask to start your homework. This shows I would give six graders advice in many ways.

  12. Giving a sixth grader advice could be helpful. I would reconmend always try hard because if you want good grades you must keep up with the work. Secondly, Another thing is talk to your teacher about your grade and find out on what you need to do better on or catch up on and it shows your teacher you care about your fades which shows your reputation . Thirdly, even if you dont like a teacher doesn't mean you have to act up in that class even though youve benin middle school for a year. Nothing really changes from 6th to 7th grade except it gets tougher and faster. If you pay attention in class the teachers pretty much answer the questions and on tests and quizes.

  13. The advice I would give a sixth grader is don't fall asleep in class, do your homework and don't be afraid to ask questions. First, don't fall asleep in your classes because if you fall asleep you could get behind and not know what to study for a test or homework. Also, you could get behind that 15 minutes you were sleeping and not know the discussion. Second, do your homework for example if you don't do your homework it's a zero and your homework is a big part of your grade. If you want your grade to be good do your homework, for instance you could have a 100 then your grade will get marked down from homework! Third, don't be afraid to ask question. If your afraid to ask questions then you will never learn! Asking questions in front of your friends shouldn't make you feel nervous, because your friend could have the same question as you. Clearly, the advice I would give to the sixth graders for seventh grade to be successful is don't fall asleep during class, do your homework and don't be afraid to ask questions.


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